“My Awesome Nursery Rhymes” додано до кошика. Переглянути кошик
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Stories in Stitches
Очаровательные детские стишки с красивыми, вязаными иллюстрациями!
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Stories in Stitches Hey Diddle Diddle and Other Nursery Rhymes
Children will love these charming characters that bring to life their favorite nursery rhymes. Ideal bedtime reading for parent and child.
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Stories in Stitches Incy Wincy Spider and other Nursery Rhymes
Пойте все любимые песенки вместе с ребёнком! Stories in Stitches Incy Wincy Spider and other Nursery Rhymes! This adorable book is illustrated with stunning, knitted characters on hand-stitched backgrounds.