Oh Dear!

245.00 грн

Это ещё один бестселлер от Рода Кемпбелла.

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Артикул: 9781509870325 Категорії: , , , Позначок: , , , , ,


Это ещё один бестселлер от Рода Кемпбелла.

Rod Campbell‘s classic lift-the-flap book Dear Zoo has been a firm favourite with toddlers and parents alike ever since it was first published in 1982.

Young children will love lifting the flaps to discover the animals the zoo has sent – a monkey, a lion and even an elephant! But will they ever manage to send the perfect pet?

With bright, bold artwork, a catchy refrain and a whole host of favourite animals, Dear Zoo is a must for every child’s bookshelf – and the thick card pages, chunky cased cover and sturdy flaps make it perfect for small hands.

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245 грн – под заказ. 🇬🇧📚Это ещё один бестселлер от Рода Кемпбелла. Rod Campbell, the creator of the preschool lift-the-flap classic Dear Zoo, has been a trusted name in early learning for over thirty-five years, and Oh Dear! has been a firm favourite with toddlers and parents alike since it was first published in 1983. Buster's staying with Grandma on the farm. But where will he find the eggs for breakfast? Not in the stable – oh dear! Young children will love lifting the flaps as they turn the pages and follow Buster around the farm. With bright, bold artwork, simple, catchy text and a whole host of favourite farm animals, Oh Dear! is a classic story to come back to again and again, and the thick board pages, chunky cased cover and sturdy flaps make it great for small hands. 📇🏷 Издательство: Macmillan Children's Books Возраст 1-4 лет 📝📜 Картонная книга. 18 картонных страниц 📐📏 Размер 17.9 х 2 х 17.6 см Вес 0.3 кг. 💴💵💶 Цена 245 грн • ✔️✔️✔️ #englishbooksinua_baby #englishbooksinua_interactive #goldilocksandthethreebears #goldilocks #englishbooksinua #englishbook #englishbooksforkids #booksforchildren #booksukraine #childrensbooks #englishbaby #englishbooksforkids #ранееразвитие #englishbooksua #englishbooksukraine #kidsbook #английскиекнигидлядетей #английскийдетям #английскийдлядетей #английскийсмамой #английскийсрождения #англійськадлядітей #iнстамама #билингвы #детскиекнигинаанглийском #книгидетям #книгидлядетей #книгидлямалышей

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